Aim of the course is to prepare graduates with good biomedical culture, with in-depth knowledge of biotechnology, acquired and consolidated on an important practical experience in laboratory. Graduates are able to design and organize effectively research plans in autonomy, in the field of biotechnology applied to medicine; they are able to manage and coordinate programs of development in biotechnology applied to human medicine and aimed at the protection, promotion and recovery of health. At the end of the biennium, Graduates in Medical Biotechnology will have acquired the knowledge and technical skills to integrate professionally in the areas identified in the specific Study Plan of the Course.
The Course is organized in two curricula: 1- Microbiology, Immunity and Infection Control; 2- Metabolic Diseases and Oncology. A common part is dedicated to drug design and development, bioinformatic and artificial intelligence and technologies in cellular and molecular analyses.
Course in English
Duration 2 years, 120 credits
Classe LM/9 Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical Biotechnologies
Appointment via U-first for badge only. For other issues, free access: Tue 10.30-13.30 and Thurs 14.00-16.00 By phone (0577235510): from Mon to Fri 9.30-10.30